Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Seattle, I didn't mean that. I'm sorry.

Don't get me wrong: I love Seattle. I love living and working in this sprawling city, finding my way in the world with Seattle to thank for no small part of it. Heck, I found my wife here, I have a good job and I'm able to be musically productive and fiscally stable. I should be grateful, and I am.

Still, there are things about this city that bug me just as much as every other city in which I've lived- both in America and abroad. I liken it to a lover's quarrel; even in the most perfect and beautiful romances, there sometimes exists the need for a knock-down-drag-out-scream-your-head-off-say-what-you-didn't-mean verbal altercation.

Therein lies the purpose for this blog: changing the city (and maybe the world!) by way of venting frustration, one complaint at a time.

Seattle. Baby, I love you, but I got somethin' to say...